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Study Skills for Students with SLCN: A Group Programme Supporting Young Students Through Revision and Exams

$53.59  Paperback
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Bhaveshi Kumar

  • Study Skills for Students with SLCN

118 pages
Interest Age: 14 to 18
ISBN: 9781138387317

This highly practical resource has been designed to support professionals working with students who have SLCN (Speech, Language and Communication Needs) following a mainstream educational curriculum. Structured as a flexible 10-session programme, it takes a holistic approach to learning, encouraging students to take an active role in their studies by identifying individual learning strengths and building a "toolbox" of successful strategies for revision.

With photocopiable pages and downloadable resources, the advice and skills explored in this programme can be adapted to suit students with a range of abilities and incorporated into a timetable that can be used flexibly, over as many weeks as necessary, with very little planning required.

Sessions focus on:

  • Learning about revision and study methods, using a combination of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic techniques
  • Creating a study skills folder and revision timetable
  • Teaching command words (words used in exam questions) and exam preparation
  • Building healthy study habits and managing anxiety
  • Being proud of achievements and developing self esteem
  • Setting goals and becoming independent

Created to support a range of students, including those with a known diagnosis of autism, developmental language disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, this is an invaluable resource for all professionals looking to support young adults in the build up to exams.

Table of Contents



Definition of Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)

  • The Context Why teach revision and study skills?

SLCN - A Unique Set of Skills

The VAK Theory Visual (Looking), Auditory (Listening), Kinaesthetic (Doing)

Who will benefit?

Evidence base for teaching study skills

  • The 10 Session Program Overview of Sessions

A SENCO's views

Parents and Carers

A Parent and Student's Views Interview with Mia Sonny's baseline assessment

  • Starting Point Chapter 1 Session 1 Focus Defining Revision and Study Skills

Activity 1 Student Baseline Assessment

Activity 2 Why Study?

Activity 3 Revision Brainstorm

Chapter 2 Session 2 Focus Looking (Visual), Listening (Auditory), Doing (Kinaesthetic)

Activity 1 Study Skills Folder

Activity 2 How do I learn?

Activity 3 Choose one revision method to practice

  • Chapter 3 Session 3 Focus: Looking-Visual

Activity 1 Making a Flashcard

Activity 2 Flashcard Competition

Activity 3 Making a Mind Map

  • Chapter 4 Focus: Listenng-Auditory

Activity 1 Making a 'Mnemonic' - With Sounds

Activity 2 Record it

Activity 3 Discuss It

  • Chapter 5 Focus: Doing-Kinaesthetic Methods

Activity 1 Modelling Cla

Activity 2 The Word Walk

Activity 3 Using Mime and Gesture

  • Chapter 6 Session 6 Focus: Time and Time Concepts

Activity 1 The Time Game

Activity 2 Making a Revision Timetable

Activity 3 My Timeline

  • Chapter 7 Session 7 Focus: Exams and Command Words

Activity 1 Exam Words

Activity 2 Exam Words-Words Search

Activity 3 Multiple Meanings

  • Chapter 8 Session 8 Focus: More About Exams

Activity 1 The Exam and Access Arrangements

Activity 2 'Neurones that fire together wire together!'

Activity 3 Mindfulness Activity

  • Chapter 9 Session 9 Focus: Being Healthy

Activity 1 Healthy Habits Game

Activity 2 Healthy Habits Poster

Activity 3 Making a Smoothie/Salad

  • Chapter 10 Session 10 Focus: Evaluation and Moving Forward

Activity 1 VAK Recap

Activity 2 Student Evaluation - My Personal Plan

Activity 3 "Believe Everything is Possible"


General Resources

Chapter 1-10 Resources
